Visions of beating gravity
De ruimtelijke visioenen van een dwarsligger
(article in Dutch)

Articles on Asgardia.Space (latest first):
Government Webinar on 30 June 2022 with additional Q&A
During the "Space Renaissance Art & Science Festival" in Berlin, 7-9 July 2022,
I presented on "Manufacturing and Emigrating".
Asgardia News on this: "Asgardia at Art and Science Festival in Berlin".
Article in Room Magazine: "Asgardia News Update:
A bright future for Manufacturing", on 29 April 2022.
As part of the Better Futures project, I presented
"Asgardia Manufacturing: intro & update" on 5 February 22.
and Asgardia News published an article on this.
Later I was interviewed, which resulted in the article
"We are building a nation, so we need serious IT behind it",
on 23 Februari 2022, and on 19 July 2021 I was also interviewed:
"We should look at nature and go to space as a swarm".
On 20 June 2021 I took office as
Minister of Manufacturing of Asgardia,
during the XII Sitting of the Asgardian Parliament.

First steps:
“Sustainable Space Colony Swarm Architecture”,
my presentation at Asgardia's first Space and Science Investment Congress.
AIS - Asgardia Institute of Standards.
ACQia - Institute of Asgardia for the Assurance of Compliance and Quality.
AMIA - Asgardia Manufacturing & Integration Approach,
with APMF - Asgardian Project Management Framework.
IpfAMIA - Institute for the Promotion and Facilitation of AMIA.
And in the future: ACSM - Asgardia Components & Services Marketplace.

Blogs on Asgardia.Space.
Blogs op (Dutch), starting with 'New kid on the blog'.
De Koffer van Rick (Dutch) - of KRO-NCRV (Dutch television).
Paletzorg.Space - healthcare partnership.
The sky is no limit!

Minister of Manufacturing at Asgardia, the Space Nation



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